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About CCOR

Mr OR Ching Cheung Ricky, major in Accounting, was graduated in Shue Yan College in year 2006, became CPA in year 2011 and established his own CPA firm "CCOR & Co." in year 2013. After years of establishment, the company has now over 10 team members with just 3 at the beginning, it has since grown into a respected CPA firm providing a wide range of professional services to clients, ranging from local SMEs to overseas corporations. The company logo "O" & "R" implies that we are ready to sprint from the starting line all the way to success.

"Solutions, not just services" is Mr OR Ching Cheung Ricky and his firm's core value. Our team aim to provide the best solutions for our clients. Clients are able to see our enthusiasm and that we are committed to what we are doing. We don't want to give them the same old standard answers. Instead, we want to deliver new ideas backed by comprehensive assessments, which will allow our clients to make well-informed decisions about which solution best suits them.

Although the firm has been growing steadily over the past 10 years, it has not been always plain sailing. One particularly difficulty challenge that is affecting many businesses in Hong Kong is the worsening manpower shortage. The skills shortage has long been a problem for the accounting and auditing industry, but it became even more acute during the social unrest and pandemic. To tackle this, Mr OR Ching Cheung Ricky decided to invest more time and money into training and retaining staff. We treat employees as important assets. We encourage staff to try and achieve a better work-life balance, as well as organize staff activities such as barbecues and war games to help build employees' sense of belonging. In addition, Mr OR Ching Cheung Ricky stressed that flexible work arrangements have become an essential ingredient in talent retention, the implementation of work- from-home policy and adopted flexible working hours, which team members were happy about.

Looking ahead, Mr OR Ching Cheung Ricky hopes to maintain close relations with other CPA firms and explore projects for potential collaboration. Mr OR Ching Cheung Ricky's motto is "Stay hungry, stay foolish". It can help our team to learn and try new things as it forces us to find the answers or solutions. We are always excited by the next challenge, get more familiar with different sectors, and contribute to the industry and community.

柯程翔會計師於2006年於樹仁學院會計系畢業﹑2011年註冊為會計師﹑並於2013年創立會計師事務所「柯程翔會計師樓」。經過多年發展, 公司由最初只有3名成員到目前有超過10名成員, 為本地中小企以至海外企業提供廣泛的專業服務。公司「O」&「R」的標誌象徵整個團隊正蓄勢待發,準備好從起跑線全速邁向康莊大道。

「專業方案 超越服務」是柯程翔會計師及柯程翔會計師樓 的核心價值。團隊一直全力以赴,為客戶提供最佳方案。客戶對我們的熱誠亦有目共睹。我們不會提供千篇一律的標準答案,而是力求為客戶帶來經全面評估的新構思,讓他們作出明智決定,採取最切合需要的方案。

公司於過去十年來穩步成長, 但過程並非一帆風順。與許多香港企業一樣,公司亦受到人力嚴重短缺的問題困擾。會計及審計行業一直面對人才短缺的問題,社會動盪和疫情更令情況雪上加霜。為此柯程翔會計師便投入更多時間和資金來培訓及挽留員工。我們視員工為重要資產,除了鼓勵他們保持工作與生活平衡, 我們亦會舉行燒烤及野戰遊戲等員工活動,以提升他們的歸屬感。實施彈性工作安排已成為挽留人才的要素。柯程翔會計師於疫情期間實行在家工作政策和彈性工時安排,廣受團隊成員歡迎。

展望未來,柯程翔會計師希望與其他會計師事務所維持緊密聯繫,並探索潛在合作項目。「永不止步﹑勇往直前」是柯程翔會計師的座右銘,這句話鼓勵我們整個團隊學習和嘗試新事物, 積極尋求答案或方案, 深入了解各行各業, 並為業界和社會作出貢獻。

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