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Our services

  • Tax affairs

  • Taxpayer should pay tax as if the company makes profits, is it possible to implement tax planning in order to lower tax burden? If you are not so familiar with under tax law and regulations, FIND US, see the following our services;
    - Entities and personal tax plans
    - Reply to IRD's enquiries and queries
    - Tax disputes solving and advisory
    - Act as tax representative, prepare and submit tax return


  • Business consults and advisory

  • Your business has growth, however could not achieve more, at the same time you may aware of decline of business one day, how could you deal with such circumstances? We can use business data to assess company's operations to make appropriate changes to reduce the effect, and even can make profits! FIND US, see the following our services;
    - Business risk assessment and strategy
    - Budget forecast and profits analysis

  • Accounting and bookkeeping

  • Running a business is not an easy task, continue to make profits is even harder. We can provide accounting and bookkeeping services and you can focus on business operations, that would be pretty good. FIND US, see the following our services;
    - Accounting and bookkeeping


Clients are required to provide (1) bank transactions details, and/or (2) sales, cost of sales and expenses information, supported by documents, we will complete the account.  We can send members to assist client to collect the above information/documents if needed. 

  • Auditing

  • Every limited company is requried to perpare statutory audit annually, sometimes company is required to prepare special audit, for example due diligence when buying and selling a company, turnover rent report.  If you experienced in unsatisfactory moment for waiting a report for a long long time, or lack of communication during the process, and you desired to look for a reliable professional firm, FIND USsee the following our services;
    - Annual audit
    - Special audit

  • Company secretarial services

  • Worry of non comply with Companies Ordinance, need support? FIND USsee the following our services;

       - Incorporation

       - Changes of shareholding, directors etc, prepare significant           controller register, register of members and directors

       - AML due diligence and report

       - Deregistration

  • Payroll services

  • Having difficulties in human resources management, need support? FIND USsee the following our services;

       - Submission of MPF contributions

       - Advisory on labour regulation

  • Stocktaking

  • Company stock turnover is high, suffering difficulties in stock management? FIND USsee the following our services;

       - Monthly stocktaking and management

  • ​Other services

  • Having difficulties in setting up company bank account, lack of cash flow? Not familiar with government support to SME? FIND USsee the following our services;
    - Set up company bank account
    - Application of bank loan
    - Application of government subisidies

       - Notary​

       - Trademark




  • 各類稅務

  • 公司生意賺了, 理當要交稅, 但是否可以透過預先籌畫從而合法地減輕稅務負擔呢。如果自認為不太理解稅務條例, 又想優化稅務組合, 我們可以幫到你, 以下是我們的服務種類;
    - 企業及個人稅務籌
    - 協助處理稅務局的查詢、稅務稽核、稅務調查及上訴
    - 香港稅務爭議解決及訴訟支援

    - 作為客戶的稅務代表、準備和提交報税表

  • 商業顧問諮詢

  • 公司生意有增長, 但總是找不到突破位, 更怕的是生意突然下跌, ,這又該如何應付呢。原來預早透過財務分析可評估公司營運情況, 從而及早轉變策略減低影響, 甚至更可以反敗為勝! 我們可以幫到你, 以下是我們的服務種類;
    - 財務風險評估與應對策略
    - 財務預測及盈利分析


  • 計及理帳

  • 營公司從來不易, 持續穩定賺錢就更花心機氣力。如果同時兼顧公司帳目就更費神。及早找我們理帳, 讓精力集中在賺錢業務上, 是一個理想選擇, 我們可以幫到你, 以下是我們的服務種類;
    - 簿記及會計理帳


客戶需要紀錄 (1) 銀行流水資料﹑或 (2) 銷售﹑成本及費用的資料, (至少1項) 並提供文件, 我們會處理餘下事項, 客戶有需要的話, 我們可以派成員協助處理上述資料搜集。 

  • 各項審計

  • 所有有限公司均須每年進行法定審計, 有時候公司也需要專項審計, 例如買賣公司的盡職審查﹑業主要求的營業額租金報告等。如果你曾經不滿意跟進時間太長, 過程欠缺溝通, 想找一個值得信賴的事務所, 我們可以幫到你, 以下是我們的服務種類;

       - 法定審計

       - 專項審計

  • 公司秘書

  • 公司法例又長又怕違反條例, 需要支援服務? 我們可以幫到你, 以下是我們的服務種類;
    - 註冊公司

       - 變更股權﹑董事等, 編制重要控制人名冊﹑股東名冊及            董事名冊

       - 反洗黑錢盡職審查及合規報告

       - 註銷公司

  • 薪酬處理

  • 公司人事管理複雜, 需要支援服務? 我們可以幫到你, 以下是我們的服務種類;
    - 強積金供款申報
    - 相關勞工法例諮詢

  • 公司貨品流轉快, 倉務管理還上困難? 我們可以幫到你, 以下是我們的服務種類;

       - 定時存貨盤點及管理

  • ​其他服務

  • 公司開銀行戶口﹑資金週轉有困難? 想知政府是否有政策支援中小企? 我們可以幫到你, 以下是我們的服務種類;
    - 協助開立銀行戶口
    - 協助申請銀行貸款
    - 協助申請政府補貼或資助

       - 代辦公證​

       - 註冊商標

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